Level up your team’s mental performance with completely customized sessions.
Workshops are interactive group sessions, designed to enhance cohesion, foster a shared purpose, and empower individual team members.
The content and delivery of the workshop is customized based on the unique needs of your team.
Workshops might be right for your group if:
You want to equip your team with practical mental performance skills and strategies for sustained success.
Your team has exceptional individual athletes, but struggles with cohesive performance.
Your team lacks a defined identify and purpose, and athletes are not fully invested in the collective mission.
Our workshops may encompass various elements, such as:
Informative visual presentations to introduce key concepts
Thought-provoking group discussions.
Individual reflection
Practical worksheets for honing skills
Engaging group activities that foster teamwork and camaraderie
Take-home materials for continued learning
Presentations, while not interactive, still feature a dynamic visual and audio presentation to provide an impactful overview of a particular mental performance topic.
Here are some examples of workshops and presentations we have done in the past:
Recognizing thoughts, and understanding how thoughts translate to emotions and actions; thought stopping strategies and reframing. Discussion around how self-talk can be helpful or harmful during performance and training.
intro to mental skills
General introduction to mental performance and mental skills training: why it is important, how the sessions will be set up, quick snapshot of 13-15 different mental skills and possible foundational work around self-awareness and self-regulation.
Setting daily, short-term, and long-term goals as individuals and as a team. Reasons why we set goals and how to stay connected to our WHY. Learning effective ways to set goals.
mental preparation
Skills that lead to improving pre-performance nerves and fear/worry related to training or performance environment. Stress response and nervous system - how the body reacts and strategies to manage. Mental prep including how to get in the right mindset for training and competition, visualization / imagery exercises.
the investment.
+ tax
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no level of competition requirement. Mental performance workshops can benefit all teams, from the recreational level, to the elite level.
Mental performance training is not just for elite athletes who are already highly skilled and just need to fine-tune their performance.
Athletes who are still developing physical and technical skills will progress much faster in their physical performance when using mental training, and will also develop better coping skills and mental resilience.
Athletes who begin mental performance training at an early age benefit most from the mental training because they have the advantage of starting earlier and the information has more opportunity to develop into skill and habit as they continue to train every year.
However, mental performance training will have a substantial impact on sport performance regardless of client age and skill level.
Mental performance skill development is an on-going process and takes time and practice. An athlete can begin seeing a mental performance coach at any time throughout their season or off-season. However, certain times throughout the raining/competition cycle may be better than others.
The best time to implement a mental performance training program is during the off-season or pre-season and sessions would continue into the competitive season. This way, athletes will initially be allowed the opportunity to work on their mental skills training without the constant pressure of winning.
To be effective, mental performance skills need to be practiced on a continuous basis for an extended period of time. Therefore, we strongly advise working with a mental performance coach for a series of sessions or workshops as opposed to scheduling them for a one-shot event.
An ideal time for a one-on-one or group/team session would be right before a practice, right after a practice, or integrating the session into the practice. Positioning sessions like this ensures that the mental skills learned can be applied immediately.